Thursday, 5 January 2017

Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition By Robert Lafore Chapter-2 C++ Programming Basics -- Questions+Exercises

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Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition By Robert Lafore Chapter-2 C++ Programming Basics -- Questions+Exercises


1. Dividing a program into functions
            a. is the key to object-oriented programming.
            b. makes the program easier to conceptualize.
            c. may reduce the size of the program.
            d. makes the program run faster.

Answer: b,c

2. A function name must be followed by ________.

Answer: parentheses

3. A function body is delimited by ________.

Answer: braces { }

4. Why is the main() function special?

Answer: It’s the first function executed when the program starts

5. A C++ instruction that tells the computer to do something is called a ________.

Answer: statement

6. Write an example of a normal C++ comment and an example of an old-fashioned /* comment.


// this is a comment

/* this is a comment */

7. An expression
            a. usually evaluates to a numerical value.
            b. indicates the emotional state of the program.
            c. always occurs outside a function.
            d. may be part of a statement.

Answer:a, d

8. Specify how many bytes are occupied by the following data types in a 32-bit system:
            a. Type int
            b. Type long double
            c. Type float
            d. Type long


a. 4
b. 10
c. 4
d. 4

9. True or false: A variable of type char can hold the value 301.

Answer: false

10. What kind of program elements are the following?
            a. 12
            c. 4.28915
            d. JungleJim
            e. JungleJim()


a. integer constant
b. character constant
c. floating-point constant
d. variable name or identifier

e. function name

11. Write statements that display on the screen
            a. the character ‘x’
            b. the name Jim
            c. the number 509


a.cout << ‘x’;
b. cout << “Jim”;

c. cout << 509;

12. True or false: In an assignment statement, the value on the left of the equal sign is always equal to the value on the right.

Answer: false; they’re not equal until the statement is executed

13. Write a statement that displays the variable george in a field 10 characters wide.

Answer: cout << setw(10) << george;

14. What header file must you #include with your source file to use cout and cin?


15. Write a statement that gets a numerical value from the keyboard and places it in the variable temp.

Answer: cin>>temp

16. What header file must you #include with your program to use setw?

Answer: iomanip

17. Two exceptions to the rule that the compiler ignores whitespace are ________ and

Answer: string constants, preprocessor directives

18. True or false: It’s perfectly all right to use variables of different data types in the same arithmetic expression.

Answer: true

19. The expression 11%3 evaluates to ________.

Answer: 2

20. An arithmetic assignment operator combines the effect of what two operators?

Answer: assignment (=) and arithmetic (like + and *)

21. Write a statement that uses an arithmetic assignment operator to increase the value of  the variable
temp by 23. Write the same statement without the arithmetic assignment operator.


temp += 23;

temp = temp + 23;

22. The increment operator increases the value of a variable by how much?

Answer: 1

23. Assuming var1 starts with the value 20, what will the following code fragment print out?
            cout << var1--;
            cout << ++var1;

Answer: 2020

24. In the examples we’ve seen so far, header files have been used for what purpose?

Answer: to provide declarations and other data for library functions, overloaded operators,and

25. The actual code for library functions is contained in a ________ file.

Answer: library


1. Assuming there are 7.481 gallons in a cubic foot, write a program that asks the user to enter a number of gallons, and then displays the equivalent in cubic feet.

Solution: Question 1

2. Write a program that generates the following table:
            1990      135
            1991     7290
            1992    11300
            1993    16200
Use a single cout statement for all output.

Solution: Question 2

3. Write a program that generates the following output:
Use an integer constant for the 10, an arithmetic assignment operator to generate the 20, and a decrements operator to generate the 19.

Solution: Question 3

4. Write a program that displays your favorite poem. Use an appropriate escape sequence for the line breaks. If you don’t have a favorite poem, you can borrow this one by Ogden Nash:
            Candy is dandy,
            But liquor is quicker.

Solution: Question 4

5. A library function, islower(),takes a single character (a letter) as an argument and returns a nonzero integer if the letter is lowercase, or zero if it is uppercase. This function requires the header file CTYPE.H. Write a program that allows the user to enter a letter, and then displays either zero or nonzero, depending on whether a lowercase or uppercase letter was entered. (See the SQRT program for clues.)

Solution: Question 5

6. On a certain day the British pound was equivalent to $1.487 U.S., the French franc was $0.172, the German deutsche mark was $0.584, and the Japanese yen was $0.00955. Write a program that allows the user to enter an amount in dollars, and then displays this value converted to these four other monetary units.

Solution: Question 6

7. You can convert temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit by multiplying by 9/5 and adding 32. Write a program that allows the user to enter a floating-point number representing degrees
Celsius, and then displays the corresponding degrees Fahrenheit.

Solution: Question 7

8. When a value is smaller than a field specified with setw(),the unused locations are, by default, filled in with spaces. The manipulator setfill() takes a single character as an argument and causes this character to be substituted for spaces in the empty parts of a field. Rewrite the WIDTH program so that the characters on each line between the location name and the population number are filled in with periods instead of spaces, as in Port City.....2425785

Solution: Question 8

9. If you have two fractions, a/b and c/d, their sum can be obtained from the formula

            a      c      a*d + b*c
            --- + ---  =  -----------
            b      d         b*d 

For example, 1/4 plus 2/3 is

            1       2       1*3 + 4*2       3 + 8       11
            --- + ---  =  -----------  =  -------  =  ----
            4       3          4*3                12        12

Write a program that encourages the user to enter two fractions, and then displays their sum in fractional form. (You don’t need to reduce it to lowest terms.) The interaction with the user might look like this: 
            Enter first fraction: 1/2
            Enter second fraction: 2/5
            Sum = 9/10
You can take advantage of the fact that the extraction operator (>>) can be chained to read in more than one quantity at once: cin >> a >> dummychar >> b;

Solution: Question 9

10. In the heyday of the British empire, Great Britain used a monetary system based on pounds, shillings, and pence. There were 20 shillings to a pound, and 12 pence to a shilling. The notation for this old system used the pound sign, £, and two decimal points, so that, for example, £5.2.8 meant 5 pounds, 2 shillings, and 8 pence. (Pence is the plural of penny.) The new monetary system, introduced in the 1950s, consists of only pounds and pence, with 100 pence to a pound (like U.S. dollars and cents). We’ll call this new system decimal pounds. Thus £5.2.8 in the old notation is £5.13 in decimal pounds (actually £5.1333333). Write a program to convert the old pounds-shillings-pence format to decimal
pounds. An example of the user’s interaction with the program would be
            Enter pounds: 7
            Enter shillings: 17
            Enter pence: 9
            Decimal pounds = £7.89
In most compilers you can use the decimal number 156 (hex character constant ‘\x9c’) to represent the pound sign (£). In some compilers, you can put the pound sign into your program directly by pasting it from the Windows Character Map accessory. 

Solution: Question 10

11. By default, output is right-justified in its field. You can left-justify text output using the
manipulator setiosflags(ios::left). (For now, don’t worry about what this new notation
means.) Use this manipulator, along with setw(), to help generate the following output:
Last name   First name   Street address    Town        State 
Jones          Bernard      109 Pine Lane     Littletown  MI
O’Brian      Coleen       42 E. 99th Ave.   Bigcity     NY
Wong          Harry        121-A Alabama St. Lakeville   IL

Solution: Question 11

12. Write the inverse of Exercise 10, so that the user enters an amount in Great Britain’s new decimal-pounds notation (pounds and pence), and the program converts it to the old pounds-shillings-pence notation. An example of interaction with the program might be

Enter decimal pounds: 3.51
Equivalent in old notation = £3.10.2.

Make use of the fact that if you assign a floating-point value (say 12.34) to an integer variable, the decimal fraction (0.34) is lost; the integer value is simply 12. Use a cast to avoid a compiler warning. You can use statements like

float decpounds;    // input from user (new-style pounds)
int pounds;         // old-style (integer) pounds
float decfrac;      // decimal fraction (smaller than 1.0)
pounds = static_cast<int>(decpounds); // remove decimal fraction
decfrac = decpounds - pounds;  // regain decimal fraction

You can then multiply decfrac by 20 to find shillings. A similar operation obtains pence.

Solution: Question 12

Note :: All credit and all rights belong to Robert Lafore and their respective partners. I do not own this material, nor do i claim to do so. This material is only for educational purpose. 

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