A point on the two-dimensional plane can be represented by two numbers: an x coordinate and a y
coordinate. For example, (4,5) represents a point 4 units to the right of the vertical axis, and 5 units up from the horizontal axis. The sum of two points can be defined as a new point whose x coordinate is the sum of the x coordinates of the two points, and whose y coordinate is the sum of the y coordinates. Write a program that uses a structure called point to model a point. Define three points,
and have the user input values to two of them. Then set the third point equal to the sum of the other two, and display the value of the new point. Interaction with the program might look like this:
Enter coordinates for p1: 3 4
Enter coordinates for p2: 5 7
Coordinates of p1+p2 are: 8, 11
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Below mention code is compiled in Visual Studio 2015 and Code Blocks 13.12,output snap is attached.. If any problem you feel and you want some explanation feel free to contact us.Code:
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structure models point on the plane
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct point
int xCo; //X coordinate
int yCo; //Y coordinate
int main()
point p1, p2, p3;
//define 3 points
cout << "\nEnter coordinates for p1:
"; //get 2 points
cin >> p1.xCo >> p1.yCo; //from user
cout << "Enter coordinates for p2:
cin >> p2.xCo >> p2.yCo;
p3.xCo = p1.xCo + p2.xCo; //find
sum of
p3.yCo = p1.yCo + p2.yCo; //p1 and p2
cout << "Coordinates of p1 + p2 are :
" //display the sum
<< p3.xCo << ", " << p3.yCo << endl;
return 0;
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