Saturday, 28 January 2017

Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition By Robert Lafore Chapter-4 C++ Structures -- Questions 3

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Create a structure called Volume that uses three variables of type Distance (from the ENGLSTRC example) to model the volume of a room. Initialize a variable of type Volume to specific dimensions, then calculate the volume it represents, and print out the result.To calculate the volume, convert each dimension from a Distance variable to a variable of type float representing feet and fractions of a foot, and then multiply the resulting three numbers.


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Below mention code is compiled in Visual Studio 2015 and Code Blocks 13.12,output snap is attached.. If any problem you feel and you want some explanation feel free to contact us.


/*************C++ Programs And Projects************|
// uses structure to model volume of room
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Distance
       int feet;
       float inches;
struct Volume
       Distance length;
       Distance width;
       Distance height;
int main()
       float l, w, h;
       Volume room1 = { { 16, 3.5 },{ 12, 6.25 },{ 8, 1.75 } };
       l = room1.length.feet + room1.length.inches / 12.0;
       w = room1.width.feet + room1.width.inches / 12.0;
       h = room1.height.feet + room1.height.inches / 12.0;
       cout << "Volume = " << l*w*h << " cubic feet\n";
       return 0;


Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition By Robert Lafore Chapter-4 C++ Structures -- Questions 3

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1 Questions:

Unknown said...

program is not working with error returning 10 2 G:\Programs\C++ programs\Ex 4(3).cpp [Error] reference to 'distance' is ambiguous